Currently working on : Control Scheme / The Room

Hey ! I'm back ! With devlogs ! Now that I've finished my other project, I can come back full-force on this game.

So what am I doing ?

- Alternate control scheme : Oh... So yeah, despite what I tried, it seems many people, to put it nicely, expressed their dissatisfaction of the new control scheme. ( -_- )
So, alright, I will put an alternate control mode, basically identical to Kuraksa's Room, which only requires the player to press and hold the screen before releasing at the right time. Obviously, the rank requirements, timings and other stuff will be adjusted accordingly. I'll probably update the demo with this option in the future.

- The Room : After each ritual, the player is sent back to his room, where he'll be able to check his achievements, devotee level, a full history of the previous rituals, and most importantly, get some sleep which could trigger some... interesting... events.

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What good news. I was waiting for the continuation of the game. Kuraksa's equal control will be perfect. Keep up the good work.